Sorry about that, I mixed up lstrigger, and lsclient.
What I'm pointing out is that there appears to be no way to target a scan server this way.
For instance, Host(A) can only communicate with ScanServer(A), and Host(B) can only communicate with ScanServer(B).
Now, at the web site, within Host(A)'s "Action Screen", you click "Trigger Scan (P)". Scanning is triggered as expected. with the following...
"cmd.exe /K {actionpath}lstrigger.exe ScanServerA {computer}{domain}"
ScanServer(A) scans Host(A) successfully.
Now you're at Host(B) 's "Action Screen" and you click "Trigger Scan (P)". Because of the static command above, ScanServer(A) is told to scan Host(B), but because ScanServer(A) cannot communicate with Host(B), scanning Host(B) fails. To scan Host(B) successfully, ScanServer(B) must be told to scan Host(B).
Am I missing something?