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Engaged Sweeper
I am running lansweeper32 on a windows server 2003 platform. Database, Service and Website are installed on the same PC.
I followed the installation instructions step by step, everything worked without a problem, I used all the standard settings for the installation.
I am running SQL Server Express 2005.
I created the startup.cmd as said in the documentary and copied it (together with lsclient.exe) to the netlogon folder (the Domaincontroller is a different server, NOT the same PC!)
I also changed the SQL Server Configuration Manager to the requested settings.

When I now try to use the LANSweeper Management Console with the standard entries, this is what I get:
"Login failed for user 'lssqluser32'. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection."
How come?
I get the same thing if I enter the Domain Administrator login data.
When I check "Use integrated authentication" I get "Cannot open database "Lansweeper32" requested by the login. The login failed".

The error log sais:
Cannot connect to database, check your config file, will try again in 1 minute.
A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occured during the login process. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen.)

(This last German sentence means "An existent connection was closed by the remote host.")

Any ideas how to solve this problem? Could this be because other Programs are using SQL Express as well? I'm currently also testing WhatsupGold and NetHydra.

Thanks in advance!
Engaged Sweeper
Foreget it, I'm in.
Had to change it to automatic password.
Thanks for your help!
Engaged Sweeper
Thanks for your quick response.
I now installed "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express" and changed the settings to mixed authentication.
The error still occurs however the text changed to simply "Login failed for user 'lssqluser32'."
What now?

By the way the LS Managemente Console tries to log on to server:\sqlexpress
It exists, but during the installation I chose '\whatsup' for the Lansweeper SQL Server.
Indeed is the 'lansweeper32' Database not in 'sqlexpress' but in 'whatsup'.
So I guess the default Server in the Management Console is wrong. But if I change it the error stays the same.
Lansweeper Alumni
Did you configure the sqlserver for both windows authentication and sql authentication (mixed authentication)
This is needed for lansweeper to work.