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Engaged Sweeper

I've created a new report and when I go to click on the link in the dashboard for my report, I get this error:

Server Error in '/' Application.
Column 'software' does not belong to table theTable.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: Column 'software' does not belong to table theTable.

Source Error:

Line 44: <td class="lef"><%select case lcase(mycolumn.Caption)%>
Line 45: <%case "computer","computername" %><a href="default.aspx?item=compdetail&amp;comp=<%=myrow(mycolumn.Caption)%>"><%=myrow(mycolumn.Caption)%></a>&nbsp;
Line 46: <%case "software","version" %><a href="default.aspx?item=softdetail&amp;soft=<%=myrow("software")%>&amp;v=<%=myrow("version")%>"><%=myrow(mycolumn.Caption)%></a>&nbsp;
Line 47: <%case "lastseen", "last scanned", "last changed", "last seen","lastchanged", "lastscanned"%><%=datetime.parse(myrow(mycolumn.Caption)).tostring(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("dateformat"))%>
Line 48: <%case else%><%=myrow(mycolumn.Caption)%>&nbsp;<%end select%></td>

Source File: D:\Program Files\lansweeper31\website\it-cust.aspx Line: 46

Any thoughts as to how to fix this issue?


Lansweeper Alumni
Could you attach your query please.

I think that this is the problem:

The words as columnname "software" and "version" must be used together (or not at all)

When you use these the page will automatically link to the software detail screen.

If you use one of these fields and the report is not related to software just rename one of the fields.