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Engaged Sweeper
I've got a problem.

I downloaded and installed LanSweeper years ago when we were using win98 as our main operating system. We had a few problems (mainly the WMI and RPC errors) that we couldn't resolve so we discontinued use.

We also had another problem. Certain PCs that we had would restart when lsclient was run on them. The common denominator was they had AMD Athlon 1200 processors.

At one time there was a fix for this problem. I have looked in the forums and I cannot find anything on this.

The reason I'm telling you all this is that I am now in the process of upgrading all of our machines from XP to Vista, and I want to pitch LS to the 'Powers That Be', but we STILL have 2 of those machines in the building, and they still restart when lsclient.exe is run.

Does ANYONE know what the workaround was to get these machines working? All other machines are working perfectly with the new version, and I NEED these 2 machines to work before trying to get management to bite off on purchasing...

ANY help would be GREATLY appreciated.

Engaged Sweeper
Bad News: The beta version crashes as well.

Good News: I got the problem fixed.

There is an update out there for AMD Athlon processors running XP SP2 and above. Once I installed it it worked and I haven't had any more crashes. It was SP2 that caused the problem.

This is the the link in case someone else has this issue:


Individual results may vary. Take only as directed. Consult a professional before starting any new program. etc...
Lansweeper Alumni
Did you try the beta version of lsclient from version 3.5.2? (see beta forum)
Engaged Sweeper
Well, i use the standard "lsclient.exe servername" and the DOS screen will come up showing "Connecting..." then the screen goes black and it begins to reboot, just as if someone had pulled the power cord and put it back in.

I don't believe this is a LanSweeper problem. The problem is the AMD Athlon processor. There is some instruction in the code that the processor cannot execute, and it causes the reboot.

Like I said, there was a way to fix it. I just can't remember what it was. I keep thinking it was an executable that had to be downloaded and ran that updated something so that it would work, and it was an actual bug in the code on the processor.
Lansweeper Alumni

What exactly happens when these 3 computers restart.
We have seen this problem before and it was caused by a third party ssl-vpn software that was causing the reboot.

(it wasn't really a lansweeper problem)


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