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Engaged Sweeper II
I was wondering if anyone else is having problems with Google Chrome and running actions?

12.0.742.112 is the chrome version that didnt work

Version 110 seems to have worked perfectly.

Also this is happening on Windows XP and Windows 7 workstations.


Lansweeper Alumni
Can you please mail us screenshots of the exact actions that do not work. (
Engaged Sweeper III
I see this as well. Using latest version of chrome.
Engaged Sweeper II
Still not working for our Chrome OS.
Engaged Sweeper II
Very strange. In firefox/IE I have no issues at all.

Couple Questions:

1) Do you have any other test plugins I could use? It appears to be the plugin + newest version of Chrome that fails for us.

2) How should we troubleshoot?
Lansweeper Alumni
We could not reproduce this with the latest version of Chrome.
Engaged Sweeper II
From what I can tell its the plugin.

If you load Google Chrome and get an error from pinging a workstation that is over 9 characters, reload the page and try again. It works 🙂

If possible can you confirm this problem with your test workstations that have over 9 characters in workstation name length?
Engaged Sweeper II
Yet another setback,

It appears that workstation/server names that are 9 or under in character length work. Anything over 9 will result in extra characters attached to the workstation.

cmd.exe /K passes the command, but it appears something is faulty with passing commands with longer workstation names.
Engaged Sweeper II
Looks like the following command line switch on chrome.exe makes things work again:


Lan Sweeper,

Is there another fix coming out for this or is the above command what we need to use from now on?
Engaged Sweeper II
After looking at it more it looks like Chrome passes extra characters to the computer name and thus ultimately cant find the computer.
Engaged Sweeper II

It tries to open a dos window and gives a bad parameter text in the dos window.

Windows XP and Windows 7 experience this problem. Only on the latest Chrome version.


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