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Engaged Sweeper
Hi All. Currently i have a report that runs daily. It reports any drives that exceed 85% of their volume.
However one of these drives is actually a USB stick - so it flags it as being an issue.

Is there a way to exclude a particular machine and drive?

Here is my script so far

Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID,
Cast(Cast(tblDiskdrives.Freespace As bigint) / 1024 / 1024 As numeric) As
Cast(Cast(tblDiskdrives.Size As bigint) / 1024 / 1024 As numeric) As
[total size],
Ceiling((tblDiskdrives.Size - tblDiskdrives.Freespace) /
(Case tblDiskdrives.Size When 0 Then 1 Else tblDiskdrives.Size
End) * 100) As UsedPCT,
tblDiskdrives.Lastchanged As [last changed],
tsysOS.Image As icon
From tblAssets
Inner Join tblDiskdrives On tblAssets.AssetID = tblDiskdrives.AssetID
Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
Inner Join tsysOS On tblAssets.OScode = tsysOS.OScode
Inner Join tblOperatingsystem
On tblAssets.AssetID = tblOperatingsystem.AssetID
Inner Join tblComputersystem On tblAssets.AssetID = tblComputersystem.AssetID
Where Cast(Cast(tblDiskdrives.Size As bigint) / 1024 / 1024 As numeric) <> 0 And
Ceiling((tblDiskdrives.Size - tblDiskdrives.Freespace) /
(Case tblDiskdrives.Size When 0 Then 1 Else tblDiskdrives.Size
End) * 100) > 85 And tblDiskdrives.DriveType = 3 And tblAssetCustom.State = 1
And tblComputersystem.Domainrole > 1

Here is the email in question

Servers with less than 15% free drive space

In total 1 results.

This message was automatically sent by the Lansweeper alert reporting engine.
Replies to this address are not monitored.

Requested report:
AssetUnique OSname Description Caption free total size UsedPCT last changed
(servername)\1 Win 2012 R2 F: 0 38 100 07/23/2017 12:00:19


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