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Engaged Sweeper III
We have been having this problem since day one with these thin clients. About 4 months ago i really tried to get them going, and scoured these forums for every solution on the books. We ended up with more pressing projects, so i shelved it. I just re-imaged one, so its back to factory setting, exception being i put it back on the domain.

We are using GPO's to handle the firewall issues, but They still wont scan.

The model thin client is the HP t5740. Has anyone else been able to get these (or similar) going?

Engaged Sweeper
I have been having the same issue. I followed all the support pages on the Lansweeper web console and managed to get 1 T5740e scanned no problem, however, I have other T5740e's that have the exact same DCOM settings and do not scan.

Lansweeper Alumni
Regwin wrote:
I have been having the same issue. I followed all the support pages on the Lansweeper web console and managed to get 1 T5740e scanned no problem, however, I have other T5740e's that have the exact same DCOM settings and do not scan.

Make sure that scanning is set up correctly (credentials, scanning method). For IP Range Scanning make sure that "No Windows" is unchecked.

If the clients are scanned with errors, please refer to this page for troubleshooting steps.
You could also try scanning the clients with the LsPush agent. More info on LsPush can be found on page 32 of our online documentation.
Engaged Sweeper
Thanks for the fast reply. I've used your links to successfully get our T5720 and T5730 to work perfectly, so I am more than happy. Here's hoping for a way to get the T5740 scanning soon.
Engaged Sweeper III
New error this morning:
Expected computername TC001 but dns redirected to EMILIOVM

I deleted the thin client's DNS and DHCP entries yesterday. I also verified DCOM was configured and the GP for the firewall was active, along with WMI.
Lansweeper Alumni
Either it's firewalled or DCOM is not enabled.
Lansweeper Alumni
Which error do you get?

For HP you need a wmi plugin from the HP website.
Lansweeper wrote:
Which error do you get?

For HP you need a wmi plugin from the HP website.

I am trying to scan a lot of HP thin clients (T5740 mainly), and they all fail with errors. I am assuming I need the WMI plugin you mentioned but cannot find it.

Can you please link to it or give me more info on it so I can try and locate.

Lansweeper Alumni
Babbabooey wrote:
Lansweeper wrote:
Which error do you get?

For HP you need a wmi plugin from the HP website.

I am trying to scan a lot of HP thin clients (T5740 mainly), and they all fail with errors. I am assuming I need the WMI plugin you mentioned but cannot find it.

Can you please link to it or give me more info on it so I can try and locate.

This page provides an example of WMI support for thin clients. This particular add-on does not support the model you mention however and we have so far been unable to locate one that does.
You will also need to configure WMI correctly to enable scanning.

If a WMI installation is unsuccessful, you could try scanning the clients with SNMP instead.
Engaged Sweeper III
Lansweeper wrote:
Which error do you get?

For HP you need a wmi plugin from the HP website.

The RPC server is unavailable 0x800706BA (TC001.vmi.local, TC001,
Cannot connect to DCOM port 135 : Firewalled? (TC001)

This model came with WMI pre-loaded, and it is running. Is there a different add-on? There is currently no security software on the unit.



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