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Engaged Sweeper
Yesterday I went to perform a software search from the LanSweeper home screen.

When I begin to type a software or application name, I see a drop down appear, offering possible suggestions.

So I select one, then hit the search button, and it always returns 0 results. But I know for a fact that we have these applications out there on our network.

I was doing some work with report builder a month ago and could have broken something along the way. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this issue?
Engaged Sweeper
I executed the code and it worked perfectly.

Not sure how I damaged it originally.

Thank you for your amazing support.

Lansweeper Alumni
try this:

alter view dbo.web30repsoftwaretotal
SELECT TOP 1000000 dbo.tblSoftware.softwareName AS Software, dbo.tblSoftware.softwareVersion AS Version,
dbo.tblSoftware.SoftwarePublisher AS Publisher, COUNT(dbo.tblSoftware.ComputerName) AS Total
FROM dbo.tblSoftware INNER JOIN
dbo.tblComputers ON dbo.tblSoftware.ComputerName = dbo.tblComputers.Computername
GROUP BY dbo.tblSoftware.softwareName, dbo.tblSoftware.softwareVersion, dbo.tblSoftware.SoftwarePublisher
ORDER BY COUNT(dbo.tblSoftware.ComputerName) DESC