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Engaged Sweeper
I have problems to install Lansweeper.
1st try:
Installation on a XP SP3 workstation. As SQL Server for the database was chosen the one from a SBS 2003.

The installation on 3 clients (all users were domain admins) worked fine. My attempts on other computers to install the service (as local admin only) didnt work. The installation stopped on the Lansweeper Database Configuration page. Error-message 'In order to successfully connect to SQL Server, following items must be accomplished ...

- Protocols "named Pipes" and "TCP/IP" must be enabled
- "SQL Server Browser" must be running

Why I could install from 3 computer and now it suddenly failed?

So i deinstalled Lansweeper again and tried my luck with the SQLExpress 2005 version. But the installation worked only on the server itself. On a client the server on which SQLExpress 2005 was installed doesnt appear in the dropdown list. When i add it manually and choose Windows Authentication, then the same error as above is appearing.

What am i doing wrong?

After the restart of the computer where SQLExpress 2005 was installed on, i find that computer in the dropdown list. But it doesnt change the fact that i cannot connect the SQLserver from the client
Engaged Sweeper
Thanks - this helped. Now all looks fine.
Lansweeper Alumni
See point 6 on this page :
Engaged Sweeper
There is written

Congratulations, your lansweeper service is running

Freeware version - Active scanning disabled

Total computers processed: 38

In queue 0 In process 1 Threads running 1

So the WMI is corrupt on my computer? How to repair it?
Lansweeper Alumni
Could you take a look at the server scanning screen on the server.

Some computers with corrupt wmi installation get stuck in the queue.
If this is the case you can repair the wmi on this computer.
Engaged Sweeper
Here are 2 screenshots

*** edited ***
Lansweeper Alumni
This computer is showing red but you don't see any error tab?
Could you post any screenshots of this please.
Engaged Sweeper
There is no error tab.
I had one before WMI was working. After changing the firewall settings it disappeared.

(we are talking about the site
http://tmsrv02/lansweeper/default.aspx?item=compdetail&comp=computername ? )

Lansweeper Alumni
When you click the computer on the website/tab errors what is the exact error?
Engaged Sweeper
Now - after the restart of my computer it appears again in the database - but only red.

In Service\Errorlog.txt there is no new entry.

When i start the connection tester from the server and test the client then all is ok:

Remote WMI test
Found: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3
\root\cimv2 Remote WMI access test OK

Remote Registry test using WMI
Found: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3
\root\default Remote WMI access test OK

What could cause the problem?


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