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Engaged Sweeper
Ran the setup for 4.0 on our premium Lansweeper server, the SQL database is hosted on another server.

Setup seems to have stalled at this point and I am unsure if I should kill this or just let it go?? Been running for 4hours against a db of 2.5gb.

"Setup is updating your database to the latest version"
Currently running sql code:
-- end check all constraints
-- PRINT 'Changing computername keyfield'
DECLARE @computername nvarchar(300)
DECLARE @TEMPSQL nvarchar(4000)
SET @TEL = 1
Declare Allcomputers cursor for
select computername from tblcomputers

open Allcomputers
fetch next from Allcomputers into @computername
WHILE @@fetch_status = 0
SET @TEMPSQL = N'update tblcomputers set computername = ' + '''' + cast(@TEL as varchar) + '''' + ' where computername = ' + '''' + @computername + ''''
EXEC sp_executesql @TEMPSQL

SET @TEL = @TEL + 1
FETCH NEXT FROM Allcomputers INTO @computername

CLOSE Allcomputers
DEALLOCATE Allcomputers
Engaged Sweeper

We like very much an int id instead of computername, so this is a good change, but this will do the same as the cursor proc

CREATE TABLE dbo.Tmp_Computers
[Computername] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[ComputerUnique] [nvarchar](150) NULL,
[Domain] [nvarchar](300) NULL,
[Userdomain] [nvarchar](150) NULL,
[Username] [nvarchar](150) NULL,
[Lastseen] [datetime] NULL DEFAULT (getdate()),
[Firstseen] [datetime] NULL DEFAULT (getdate()),
[Lasttriggered] [datetime] NULL,
[LastScheduled] [datetime] NULL,
[LastActiveScan] [datetime] NULL,
[FQDN] [nvarchar](512) NULL,
[LastknownIP] [varchar](100) NULL,
[Computer] [nvarchar](150) NULL,
[SiteID] [numeric](18, 0) NULL,
[Scanserver] [nvarchar](150) NULL,
[ReplID] [numeric](18, 0) NULL,
[ReplSite] [numeric](18, 0) NULL,
[OScode] [varchar](20) NULL,
[SP] [numeric](18, 0) NULL,
[Description] [nvarchar](300) NULL


IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM tblcomputers)
INSERT INTO Tmp_Computers ( ComputerUnique,
SELECT ComputerUnique,
LastScheduled,LastActiveScan,FQDN,LastknownIP,Computer,SiteID FROM dbo.tblcomputers TABLOCKX

DROP TABLE tblcomputers
Exec sp_rename 'Tmp_Computers', 'tblcomputers'

This is finished in 6 seconds, and later you update the id in the other tables so as far as I can see from your script this will work fine.
All I do is to let SQL create the id column
I am going to try this 🙂
Lansweeper Alumni
efosshaug wrote:
This is finished in 6 seconds, and later you update the id in the other tables so as far as I can see from your script this will work fine.
All I do is to let SQL create the id column
I am going to try this 🙂

Don't, it will fail.
Lansweeper Alumni
The step that takes the most time:
Each computername field is converted into an integer field.
mycomputer -> 1
myothercomputer -> 2

this change is propagated to all other tables that use the field computername.

Plus point: the database/querying will be much faster in v4 because the key to link all tables is much smaller.
Engaged Sweeper
well.., my upgrade to ver.4 took 2hr40mins.
looking at the lansweeper service stopped and started time, in the system log.

lansweeper db size is about 1GB in file size.
before upgrade is ~800MB only.

~840 devices inside the database.
not much complicated/customized reports.

just to share some facts in my site.

good luck to you guys running the updates.
30 hours.. wow..
Champion Sweeper
Kicked off installation at 2pm yesterday and still running like everyone above, have about 6000 PCs in total. DB size is about 2.2GB.
Engaged Sweeper

Mine ran for 11 hours before I killed it. Reran setup. It did some quick sql-jobs and finished. When I see in the tblComputers it has changed from name to int on 259 of 6100 computers! 10 hours for that! Something wrong with the t-sql?

Anyway, lansweeper is now off course not working, but I have a lot of systems using the sql-data to present information. These are still working so I can live trough the day.

Is it possible to get the sql-scripts so i can run them directly on the sql-server?

We have a premium installation, but my avatar says free user!

Found the scripts and looked at them. I would have used a temp-table with identity instead of cursor to get new id, rename and drop.
And - when I look at the script you are doing this afterward?? With identity_insert on. Why not let the id column populate itself? This way you could filled the table with new computernames in one query!
But I might be missing something here.

Anyway, Since my database is halfconverted, I need to do a restore and run the scripts again. I would like to run them on the sql-server. which of the sql-scripts should I run for upgrade and in what order?
Lansweeper Alumni
efosshaug wrote:

Is it possible to get the sql-scripts so i can run them directly on the sql-server?

You need the script upgradescript1.sql in the lansweeper\sql scripts folder
Engaged Sweeper III
About 31 hours so far 😞
Champion Sweeper
sticky wrote:
About 31 hours so far 😞

Has yours finished yet?
Lansweeper Alumni
sticky wrote:
About 31 hours so far 😞

How big is your database.
How much computers.
Do you see any sql server activity?


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