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Engaged Sweeper
Ran the setup for 4.0 on our premium Lansweeper server, the SQL database is hosted on another server.

Setup seems to have stalled at this point and I am unsure if I should kill this or just let it go?? Been running for 4hours against a db of 2.5gb.

"Setup is updating your database to the latest version"
Currently running sql code:
-- end check all constraints
-- PRINT 'Changing computername keyfield'
DECLARE @computername nvarchar(300)
DECLARE @TEMPSQL nvarchar(4000)
SET @TEL = 1
Declare Allcomputers cursor for
select computername from tblcomputers

open Allcomputers
fetch next from Allcomputers into @computername
WHILE @@fetch_status = 0
SET @TEMPSQL = N'update tblcomputers set computername = ' + '''' + cast(@TEL as varchar) + '''' + ' where computername = ' + '''' + @computername + ''''
EXEC sp_executesql @TEMPSQL

SET @TEL = @TEL + 1
FETCH NEXT FROM Allcomputers INTO @computername

CLOSE Allcomputers
DEALLOCATE Allcomputers
Engaged Sweeper III
You read my mind - I've just logged onto the forums to post exactly the same question. My install has been running for almost 20 hours, stalled at the same part.

SQL Server doesn't indicate any problems, although I can't see it processing the queries in profiler either.

DB size is 8Gb, 9,429 rows in the tblcomputers table.

Hopefully someone can tell us the best way to proceed - ie kill and try again or leave it alone...

Lansweeper running on Windows 2003 Server SP2 32bit
SQL DB running on Windows 2003 Server SP1 32bit, SQL Server 2005
Engaged Sweeper II
Same but, I was looking at some of the server stats and it's showing roughly 6-9mb/sec on the lansweeperdb so I've been letting it go

My DB is on the same server, not seperate like your configuration.


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