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‎12-10-2014 02:52 PM
Select Top 1000000 Case
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 1 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/32'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 2 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/31'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 3 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/30'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 7 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/29'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 15 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/28'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 31 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/27'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 63 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/26'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 127 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/25'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/24'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 1255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/23'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 3255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/22'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 5255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/21'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 15255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/20'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 31255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/19'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 63255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/18'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 127255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/17'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 255255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/16'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 1255255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/15'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 3255255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/14'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 7255255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/13'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 15255255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/12'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 31255255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/11'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 63255255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/10'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 127255255
Then tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/9'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 255255255
Then tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/8'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 1255255255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/7'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 3255255255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/6'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 7255255255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/5'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 15255255255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/4'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 31255255255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/3'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 63255255255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/2'
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 127255255255 Then
tsysIPLocations.Realstart + '/1' End As Network,
Case When tsysIPLocations.IPLocation Like '%PCI%' Then 'Yes'
When tsysIPLocations.IPLocation Not Like '%PCI%' Then 'No'
End As [PCI Secured Network],
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 0 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/1')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 1 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/2')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 3 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/2')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 7 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/6')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 15 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/14')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 31 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/30')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 63 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/62')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 127 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/126')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/254')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 1255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/512')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 3255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/1022')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 5255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/2046')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 15255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/4094')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 31255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/8190')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 63255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/16382')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 127255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/32766')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 255255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/65534')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 1255255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/131072')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 3255255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/262142')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 7255255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/524286')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 15255255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/1048574')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 31255255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/2097150')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 63255255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/4194302')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 127255255
Then CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/8388606')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 255255255
Then CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/16777214')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 1255255255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/33554430')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 3255255255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/67108862')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 7255255255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/134217726')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 15255255255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/268435454')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 31255255255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/536870910')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 63255255255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/1073741822')
When (tsysIPLocations.EndIP - tsysIPLocations.StartIP) = 127255255255 Then
CONCAT(Count(tblAssets.IPAddress), '/2147483646') End As [Used/Total]
From tsysIPLocations
Left Outer Join tblAssets On tsysIPLocations.StartIP <= tblAssets.IPNumeric
And tsysIPLocations.EndIP >= tblAssets.IPNumeric
Left Outer Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID
Group By tsysIPLocations.IPLocation,
Order By tsysIPLocations.StartIP
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