Hi,I want to be sure to scan harddisk at least on time everyday, what scan options is the best suited for this 0 or 1? Im using Active scanning.Thanks!
I am playing with Lansweeper 3.5.2 (free version). On a target PC, after uninstalling software it still shows up in the web console. I have restarted the PC and performed a new lsclient scan, but the software in question remains in the console. I did...
Hello - we are currently using lansweeper in production. I didn't install it (over 2 years ago), and just have been using the web portion, as someone else configured it all.I setup a test server and installed the beta on it and it's...
Our server seems to take about 15 seconds to load up the web console after it has been sitting idle for a while. Subsequent page loads are much quicker. I suspect that the connection b/t IIS and SQL is timing out, and the delay is a result of recon...
I find some of the wordinfg in the installation doc very ambigious.for the logon script%logonserver%\netlogon\lsclient.exe myserverfor the %logonserver% I understand this is my Domain controllerBut for "myserver" what server is supposed to be here?Is...
Our new HP machines are coming with a D:\ drive called HP_TOOLS and they are 90+% full so LanSweeper throws an error. I want to exclude these from being reported, but only the specific HP_TOOLS drive.Is that possible?
We are currently evaluating Lansweeper Premium for our network, but I have a few questions.1) What happens if a machine is reloaded on the domain. Are we able to see the old information?2) Can we have alerts on if software is under license complia...
Ok, I stumbled upon an interesting bug or at least maybe this is the way it is designed.I’ll explain by example. Let’s say I have two laptops. One is WS123-BOB which connected to the LAN on 3/17/2010 and Lansweeper ran a full scan (via active scan...