We currently have lansweeper premium deployed.
After many hours of fighting and thinking I had the RPC and WMI errors fixed, they just came back on multiple machines.
Therefore my question is what is the process used on a product like Symantec Altiris who uses an agent on the users machine can capture the hardware and software and report it a SQL database without having RPC and WMI errors, yet Lansweeper's lsclient or the lstrigger command are based on this RPC and WMI to work properly.
I would much rather use Lansweeper over Altiris for cost and ease of use capability, but cannot understand why an agent like the altiris agent couldn't be designed to run on a users machine.
If you know of a way or have a script that could capture the hardware/software and put in an "agent" form that doensn't have to rely on RPC and WMI like the Altiris agent, then you would have most of your competition beat.
Any thoughts on this is appreciated.