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Engaged Sweeper

My company has been using LanSweeper premium version for several months. It was installed in December last year (2009), and we configured the system as instructed, especially one of the most important features that is Active Scanning. We did not change any default settings, such as Scan options -> Item Wait Time. But, we recently noticed that the date of 'Last seen' of scanned computers is couple months ago:
Today : 03/15/2010 12:43
First seen: 12/30/2009 7:30:49 AM
Last seen: 1/15/2010 4:29:38 PM

Is there any explanation for it..?

Thank you.
Engaged Sweeper
I found that the service is stopped, and it is caused by the credential used for running the service. I have fix the problem, and run the service again. I will let you know if it solve my problem or not.

Thank you.
Lansweeper Alumni
Is your service still running?


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