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Engaged Sweeper
The lsclient service has been successfull in performing an initial inventory of computers, but on subsequent scans the service isn't updating the database with any changes. For example, I changed the computer description and removed an application from add/remove apps and then used the lsclient service to rescan that computer, but the scan doesn't pick up any of the changes. Can someone possibly enlighten me as to how the rescan process works, because it isn't working for me.
Engaged Sweeper
There is a documentation.pdf that comes with the lansweeper download. It has 33 pages of info to help with configuration to filtering your scans. Look in your lansweeper folder that came with your download.
Engaged Sweeper
Ok, I just looked over the gui console options again and found the Scan Options/Item Wait Time options. I changed the value of the Software record from 7 to 0 and ran another scan and this time the scan picked up the fact that I had removed some of the software from that particular computer. It is probably somewhere obvious, but is there help documentation that explains the gui console options/fields?

Engaged Sweeper
I meant to mention that after the rescan of the computer with the lsclient service didn't pick up any of the changes that I removed that computer from the lansweeper database and then ran a fresh/new scan on that computer again. The new scan did pick up the changes. Are some fields tagged to never get scanned again or only scanned on some schedule. Will rescans not work? Do I have to remove a computer from the database each before scanning that same computer for changes? Can someone possibly enlighten me about the lsclient services scan/rescan capabilities as it relates to updates/changes to the database.



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