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Engaged Sweeper

I have the following scenario:

Lansweeper Version 3.5
One Site with Central Database / Service
Some Other Sites with Servers running Lansweeper Service only / reporting data to the central database

In that environment only the servers on the local sites (running the service only) can report to the central database.
The client workstations cannot.

My questions are:
If I use active scanning on all sites are the clients directly reporting to the central database / service server ?
Dont the client workstations use the local service?

(Reason: I see a lot of "RPC Server is unavailable" here since activation.)

Lansweeper Alumni
Active scanning queries the domaincontrollers for computer logons and immediately adds them to the queue when a new logon is found. (this lookup process runs every 10 minutes)
A computer is only scanned once (at maximum) every 8 hours (unless triggered by lsclient or lstrigger)

If you start the service with active scanning enabled, the first scan will look for computers logged on in the last hour.
Engaged Sweeper
Does anybody else have these problems?

It seems that active scanning is connecting randomly to a lansweeper service and not to the one nearest to the workstation.

Is it possible to control which lansweeper service is connected by the workstation and / or which domain controller is queried for workstation logons?

Or am I completely wrong?

How is Active Scanning handled?


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