Hi, we have about 700 devices/computers and servers on our nettwork. We use the premium verson of lansweeper. Our DNS is not up do date whit all IP-addresses. Is there a way to use something else than DNS to find the IP of a client? I have tried scanning whit active scanning using a OU in AD.
The com up ass not scanned with the "The RPC server is unavailable 0x800706BA"-error. I have the same GPO's on all computers that I try so scann and they are turned on when the scann is scedduled.. I have shecked, the steps on the link belov.
I have tried that on some ip-ranges ass vell. It`s not working very god.. I can connect using IP and comuter mane with the connection tester. This goes for bouth client and server. I have 204 scanned and 500+ that not are scanned. Lansweeper add`s about five clients in 24-hours. But you mean that Lansweeper do not use DNS to get ip/comutername when I set-up the IP-range scanning?
Pleace bear whith me here, I'm just a IT-apprentice and therefore not superpro.
You can use IP range scanning but I would strongly recommend to use automatic dns updates for lansweeper and to prevent a lot of active directory related problems.