I know this is an older post but I found it while looking for the same thing. So I took Jeffrey's advice and came up with this.
According to the lansweeperdb Database Schema document "This table (tblSNMPAssetMac) stores the MAC addresses of the assets connected to your switch interfaces/ports".
The query can be run from Configuration>Database Scripts in the Database Scripts window.
Remember to edit the @DeleteDate variable. As it is, the query will delete any record with a "LastSeen" date older than midnight of 2001-01-01 (YYYY-MM-DD). I figured if you just copied and pasted and forgot to change the date its less likely you delete anything you might need.
Disclaimer: I claim no responsibility for the actions or damage resulting from this query. It may be wise to create a report to show the records that will be deleted before processing this query.
DECLARE @DeleteDate DateTime
SET @DeleteDate = '2001-01-01 00:00:00.000'
WHERE LastSeen < @DeleteDate