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Engaged Sweeper
ok, I created a report that would alert me to when a computer doesn't have the latest Service Pack update. The main difference between the one i created and yours is, it includes all OS's(and thier respective updates) in the same report with other data that i deemed useful. that and its easier for me to update it when a new service pack comes out for any of the os's

Now that the vista SP2 has come out i've been updating them one by one(3 so far)

The main problem is that after i update them, the report shows that they are still SP1. So i went to the computers in question within the web console to see what they said....they also say that it is still SP1. So i went ahead and triggered a scan. The last seen date changed to the current time, but the data did not. So i went into the configuration and set it to check the OS and QuickFix to be scanned once per day.

i trigger the scann again, and still. Service Pack 1

I am Extremely new to SQL and such.

Any help would be nice.


Engaged Sweeper
Thank you for your help, but its been decided that the computer will be completely redone. That laptop has been our little problem child for quite a while. And its having several issues popping up in recent days(most not related to LS). This is an isolated case, so we beleive that it is the computer and not your software that is the problem. but if this problem continues or pops up again on another computer. I'll be sure to come back to this topic, for reference on what to do or try.

Thank you Again,
Taylor J
Lansweeper Alumni
You can try 6) on this page : to rebuild WMI on that computer.
Engaged Sweeper
hmm, for some reason i can't pull up that one computer in the console. I Triggered a scann about 2 hours ago. and i've tried several times to acsess the computer. but is just sits there with the loading symbol going. I can get all other computers but this one.

there were some wmierrors, but i wanted to run another scann to make sure it was still a problem.
Lansweeper Alumni
When you click on a computer and see the action screen : do you see any errors (the red error tab)?
Could it be that for some reason the scanning account is locked out?
Engaged Sweeper
i just noticed that we are having the same problem throughout the entire scan readout. the latest last scanned was 15/07/09. And there are several items that should have been scanned by now. the data hasn't been updated
Engaged Sweeper
sorry about the editing, but i need to maintain security. This is the errorlog with in the the considered time frame (basically the bottom of the list) looks like the daily active scan failed. But i know i ran lstrigger more than twice within those two days. so it is connecting, but the data is not updateing(at least form what i can tell...which is admittedly not much)
Engaged Sweeper
k i'll get those to you shortly... sorry for the delayed reply....there was a local holiday last weekend.
Lansweeper Alumni
Could you post screenshots of your action screen (the dates) and your errorlog.txt file please.
Engaged Sweeper
and some strange unknown errors with a non-domain computer( different computer than the one in question )

thats another problem for another time


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