I am trying to build a report from scanned registry keys however the needed information does not get scanned.
I have already such a report before to get the bios version from all computers and this works fine. The driver information however does not get scanned. there are no record in the table about these keys.
the key i am trying to scan is: HKLM\SYSTEM\Currentcontrolset\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002be10318}\007
in attachment an overview of all the keys I am looking for. the first 2 (internet explorer & bios) work fine. the rest does nothing.
Please ensure that your assets have been (successfully) rescanned since you submitted these registry values for scanning. Click the Assets link at the top of the web console, tick the upper checkbox to select all of your assets and hit the Rescan button on the left.