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Engaged Sweeper II

In our Dashboard reports, we are getting an issue called "Services: System Restore service not running" under high Priority. Could you please suggest me the solution for this.

Lansweeper Alumni
The fact that computers are included in this report does not point to a scanning error. The report is simply telling you that the System Restore service is not running on the specified computers.

Lansweeper scans Windows services by default and there are a number of built-in reports that will tell you if specific services (System Restore, Security Center...) are not running on your client computers. What you do with this information is up to you. Either you start these services on the machines, if you think they're important, or you do nothing. If you don't care whether these services are running, you can also remove the report from your dashboard.
Engaged Sweeper II
No. I need the reason why the systems are coming into that report "system restore point is not running " even if they are having lspush. Kindly awaiting for your reply.

Lansweeper Alumni
Could you please clarify what you would like to do. Do you want to remove this report from the dashboard?


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