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Engaged Sweeper III
FYI - We just got a service contract for a car dealership. Their network is a mess

We installed and deployed LanSweeper free and showed it off to the managers. They loved what it could do so they bought the premium version.

This is my first time working with LanSweeper in this kind of environment so please forgive any ignorance I might have.

Here are the questions I have/what we would like it to do:

1. Gather a report of all Microsoft Windows and Office software and how many users are using one license key (piracy is rampart here)

2. Some computers are Windows XP Home. We manually installed the service and LanSweeper detected the computer. However, after a restart, the computer can no longer be accessed by LanSweeper. It shows up as red. If we know the username/password of the computers that are not on the domain, is there a was we could tweak Lansweeper to see those computers automatically?

3. On the "computers in this domain" list, could we add a custom column for something?

4. We have tightvnc deployed to all the computers. When we run the Lansweeper ultravnc, we get errors about security on all computers. Is this because of tightvnc?
Lansweeper Alumni
1. Gather a report of all Microsoft Windows and Office software and how many users are using one license key (piracy is rampart here)

That's possible, here you can find some additional licensekeys:

2. Some computers are Windows XP Home. We manually installed the service and LanSweeper detected the computer. However, after a restart, the computer can no longer be accessed by LanSweeper. It shows up as red. If we know the username/password of the computers that are not on the domain, is there a was we could tweak Lansweeper to see those computers automatically?

See here :

3. On the "computers in this domain" list, could we add a custom column for something?

For this you would have to manually reprogram the stored procedure in sql that generates this page (on your own risk)

4. We have tightvnc deployed to all the computers. When we run the Lansweeper ultravnc, we get errors about security on all computers. Is this because of tightvnc?

You can fix this by selecting a different port in the connection options.


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