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Engaged Sweeper II
First question, what is the base unit for the scan times displayed on each computer detail page?
Scan Days Date Time
Autorun 10 08/20/2009 32.45
Desktop 22 08/20/2009 17.17
Environment 50 08/20/2009 20.98
Network 3 08/20/2009 8.78
Printers 5 08/20/2009 21.28
Registry 0 08/20/2009 83.83
Services 3 08/20/2009 3.69
Shares 7 08/20/2009 0.27
Software 2 08/20/2009 7.70
Sound 20 08/20/2009 0.03
Tape 20 08/20/2009 0.05
Users 7 08/20/2009 0.33
Usersingroup 1 08/20/2009 1.02

Are these in seconds?
Has anyone built a report to look for unusually long scan times?
Does a longer scan time equate to straining the end user performance during the scan?
Are there any obvious places to start when we find longer scan times? (e.g. deleting old profiles)

Lansweeper Alumni
This is indeed an unusual result

(here is a test sample : http://www.lansweeper.com/forum/yaf_postst1775_Strange-Time-column.aspx)

Normally "software" would take the longest to scan.

You might want to check the amount of autorun items.

Another cause could be a temporary network congestion.

32.45 means 32 seconds.


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