First question, what is the base unit for the scan times displayed on each computer detail page?
Scan Days Date Time
Autorun 10 08/20/2009 32.45
Desktop 22 08/20/2009 17.17
Environment 50 08/20/2009 20.98
Network 3 08/20/2009 8.78
Printers 5 08/20/2009 21.28
Registry 0 08/20/2009 83.83
Services 3 08/20/2009 3.69
Shares 7 08/20/2009 0.27
Software 2 08/20/2009 7.70
Sound 20 08/20/2009 0.03
Tape 20 08/20/2009 0.05
Users 7 08/20/2009 0.33
Usersingroup 1 08/20/2009 1.02
Are these in seconds?
Has anyone built a report to look for unusually long scan times?
Does a longer scan time equate to straining the end user performance during the scan?
Are there any obvious places to start when we find longer scan times? (e.g. deleting old profiles)