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Champion Sweeper
Is there a way to use the supercrypt tool to run a command elevated (as admin)?

Champion Sweeper
Yes, but I need to make some programs run as administrator from a script (not by clicking), and in those cases I need the supercrypt(or alternative) to call the program with the elevated permissions.
I have seen this as a checkbox in a batch file to exe compiler, however it did not store credentials like supercrypt does.
Lansweeper Alumni
ifm wrote:
and in those cases I need the supercrypt(or alternative) to call the program with the elevated permissions.

This is not currently possible with supercrypt.
Champion Sweeper
Yes, supercrypt runs a command as another user, but it does not elevate to "run as admin" in Windows 7!

Or I has just been unlycky when trying to use it...
Lansweeper Alumni
ifm wrote:
Yes, supercrypt runs a command as another user, but it does not elevate to "run as admin" in Windows 7!

You can run a command as an admin, but in Windows 7 you cannot run a command with "elevated" permissions.
Lansweeper Alumni
This is what Supercrypt was designed to do. More info on the tool can be found here.