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Engaged Sweeper

Originally on my site I installed version 3.2 and upgraded to 3.2 shown in Add/Remove Programs). I now want to upgrade from version to version 4.0.

Is there any easy to follow documentation available that covers this. All I have is the installation document, and reading some of the posts relating to problems incountered during the upgrade on the forums has me concerned to say the least.

Also - in Version 4.0 if you delete a computer from Active Directory is it now deleted in Lansweeper? (it would be great if it was!)

Lansweeper Alumni
Originally on my site I installed version 3.2 and upgraded to 3.2 shown in Add/Remove Programs). I now want to upgrade from version to version 4.0.

Is there any easy to follow documentation available that covers this. All I have is the installation document, and reading some of the posts relating to problems incountered during the upgrade on the forums has me concerned to say the least.

"normally" this should work, but take a full backup first.

Also - in Version 4.0 if you delete a computer from Active Directory is it now deleted in Lansweeper? (it would be great if it was!)

This is an option that you can enable or disable in version 4


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