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Engaged Sweeper
I saw the announcement for version 1.5.
I dod not find any documentation on the website,
not even a "what's new" is available?
Lansweeper Alumni
No, it's an autostart.

On my servers the service is working
Engaged Sweeper
Smikkel, maybe this will help ?

When I start the LSwinap.exe program I have to click on the start button before it starts listening. Maybe the lsservice service program is waiting on the same thing ? Or do you have the lsservice program programmed to autostart ?
Lansweeper Alumni
Yes, it should, it's the same source code.

Anyone else having this problem?
Engaged Sweeper
Ok here's the real problem :

When I start the program LSwinap.exe and click on start to start listening, it's listening on port 9542. But when I start the lsservice service, that program doesn't listen on port 9542. Shouldn't the lsservice service listen on the same port as the LSwinap.exe program ?
Engaged Sweeper
:t) OOPS! My bad. Your config file is fine...

Make sure that your service is configured to logon with the LSSCANNER account and not the LocalSystem account.
Engaged Sweeper
In your connect string you need to add the USER ID and PASSWORD for the LSUSER SQL account.

Either that or you need to make sure that the service is running with an account that has access to the SQL server/database and not using the "LocalSystem" account.
Engaged Sweeper
No problem at all. Thanx for the reply tho !
Lansweeper Alumni
Sorry, I have no idea what is causing this problem
Engaged Sweeper
- The service lsservice runs fine, no events occur other than that it states that the service entered the running state
- I changed the config file as below :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- User application and configured property settings go here.-->
<!-- Example: <add key="settingName" value="settingValue"/> -->
<add key="ConnectionString" value="integrated security=SSPI;data source=&quot;;;persist security info=False;initial catalog=Lansweeper" />
<add key="ConcurrentThreads" value="10" />

- The lsservice service is running (This is the server I gather)
- No firewall exists on the server where I installed Lansweeper
- The LSclient gives a "failed" message when executing it.


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