Im using the Web Console access report bellow
How can i change it so that it will only show each users first login on every day, instead of showing me logging in 3 times on one day
Select Top 1000000 tblLoginLog.Date As LoginDate,
Case tblLoginLog.Success
When 1 Then 'yes'
When 0 Then 'no'
End As LoginSuccessful,
tblLoginLog.UserName As Username,
tblLoginLog.cert As Certificate,
Case tblLoginLog.Success
When 1 Then 'green'
When 0 Then 'red'
End As foregroundcolor,
Case tblLoginLog.Success
When 1 Then '#dfffdb'
When 0 Then '#fbfb86'
End As backgroundcolor
From tblLoginLog
Order By LoginDate Desc