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Engaged Sweeper

I have serveral clients in domain, which only connect over WLAN. The notebook is connected to WLAN about 15sec after log in. But LSClient is startet by "Domain LogIn" Script. So i never see the Client in LanSweeper!

Does anyone a solution?

I tried at log off, but there is no more connection to server.

Waiting for help!

Regards Andreas
Engaged Sweeper

That will just work once - and my Boss will kill me, if i everyone you is working on a notbook is receiving the same mail to execute file manually ever few weeks!

The must be a solution!!
Engaged Sweeper
Would be nice!!!

Please post it!

Regards Andreas
Engaged Sweeper II
ahandler wrote:
Would be nice!!!

Please post it!

Regards Andreas

Sub schReboot()
Dim strComputer2, objWMIService, job, colScheduledJobs, objNewJob, errJobCreated, JobId

strComputer2 = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _
& strComputer2 & "\root\cimv2")
Set colScheduledJobs = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select * from Win32_ScheduledJob")
For Each job In colScheduledJobs
If InStr(job.Command, LCase("shutdown"))Then
Exit Sub
End If

Set objNewJob = objWMIService.Get("Win32_ScheduledJob")
errJobCreated = objNewJob.Create _
("shutdown.exe /f /r", "********002500.000000-420", _
True , 1 Or 2 Or 4 Or 8 Or 16 Or 32 Or 64, , True, JobId)
End sub
Engaged Sweeper II
I've got some vbscript code that will create a scheduled job. I use it in my login script for various things... Let me know and I'll post it, but you can find plenty of examples on the net.
Engaged Sweeper
Create a batch file in your netlogon folder and send your users an email with a link to the location on your network of the batch file asking them to execute the link.
It should work.

** The bacth file should contain the folowing line

\\domain controller\netlogon\lsclient.exe <lansweeper_server_ip>

Engaged Sweeper
Is there no solution?
Engaged Sweeper
The user log onto domain, but i guess cached, cause the is no wifi connection estebished.

I have about 40 notebooks in the domain, so i have to make this over a domain - it is not possible to insert a scheduled job on every notebook by hand.

I hove for a solution!

Regards Andreas
Lansweeper Alumni
You are saying that the users log on locally or cached, and not to the domain?

You can create a scheduled job to trigger the scanning at a scheduled time.

or maybe a vbs script scheduled to run after startup
in this script (pseudocode)

- Wait one minute
- lsclient servername