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Engaged Sweeper
I have resolved the RPC unavailable error by using the nslookup command, in which I fould that indeed I had two computers with the same ip address. Now I have this error about the ip class not being registered? Can I fix the WMI error with a system restore or any other method? It is only one computer that I cannot get the Software scan from, and the errors are endless. I have the firewall off, the dcom settings, WMI settings all active? Any ideas on the error above? Thanks
Engaged Sweeper
Hi, I have resolved the error...using the WMI Diagnostic tools(rundll32 wbemupgd, UpgradeRepository) to see what exactly was the problem. Failing to connect to namespace{root\default} w/ result 80040154. One or more core modules were not registered.
Then using the Event Viewer on the client and workstation, compared the error messages:Application specific permission settings do not grant local activiation permissions for COM server app. with CLSID. I added my user to Component Services, Computer, DCOMconfg to the snap in: WMI, COM+, COM.Events.COm.Service. Finally, using the OS restore disc to repair the installation and repair the WMI. Hope this helps someone else! I got my scan!
Lansweeper Alumni

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