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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hello Community!

We hope you had a fantastic week. Here’s a look at what happened in August.

August Highlights and Updates

A big thank you to the winners of the Integration Challenge @BigFish7 , @RBray_KMB and @MrWizard77 🎉

Check out their winning entries here:

Congratulations! You’ve earned exclusive badges and a Lansweeper Community SWAG box.🏆

summer badgesummer badge

🚀Product News

Pro Tip of the Month

Make your own custom compliance reports Pro Tips #57: Reporting on Compliance - Lansweeper Community - 76785

On-demand Webinar

Missed our latest Virtual Office Hours? No worries! Watch the recording to catch up on all the insights from August 2024 Watch the recording here. [Recording] Virtual Office Hours August 2024 - Lansweeper Community - 76778

Top Solutions

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed solutions this month. Here are the top solutions with the highest views:

A special shout out to @brian_blater  for not only asking a great question about Lansweeper Agent installation but also circling back to share the solution with the community. Solved: Lansweeper Agent Install via Intune Fails - Lansweeper Community - 76724  🙌

Top Kudoed Authors of the Month

Congrats and thank you to these users who received the most kudos last month! Click on their names to view their profiles and learn from their contributions.

  1. @Mister_Nobody - About Mister_Nobody - Lansweeper Community
  2. @rader - About rader - Lansweeper Community
  3. @hyvokar - About hyvokar - Lansweeper Community

Thank you all for being such an incredible community. Here’s to more great discussions and collaborations next month.

(Note: based on data collected from August 1st to August 31st)

August leaderboardAugust leaderboard



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