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Happy SysAdmin Day to All!

This year we asked the Lansweeper Community to send us a picture of things that make your job and day better. We offered the following guiding examples  :A  favourite tech gadget, a furry sidekick, or  an energy-boosting beverage. Massive thanks to everyone who participated, it was wonderful to get a snapshot of what brings you joy in your role.

Everyone who participated was assigned a unique number, and here are the winners from the draw:

Congrats to our winners!

🏆Winner Tim Olvera @Timmah 

Entry: Bonanners - Lansweeper Community - 75869

Winning remarks: it’s been really fun!  I love sharing in a community of like-minded IT brethren who also fight in the trenches of growing threats, increasing demands, needy users, and shrinking budgets plus I get to share a picture of my “bestest furry friend”, Bo!  That’s a win-win.

🎖️ Runner Up: Joe Cache @Fez-o-Joe 


Winning remarks: "Thanks – I’ve extolled the virtues of LanSweeper for many, many moons.  Great toolset, just keep it so it can be on-prem – not everything needs to go to the cloud"


🏵3rd Place: Lee Ludlum @Lugnuts 


Winning remarks:  I am honored to be one of the lucky winners of the Lansweeper Sys Admin giveaway. There were many great entries and pictures and I am happy many people participated. Everyone stay safe!



👉 Make sure to check out and kudo entries here: Lansweeper SysAdmin Day 2024 Giveaway - Lansweeper Community

Happy Sysadmin DayHappy Sysadmin Day

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