Resolved! Chrome update
Hello, can someone help me with the script to update chrome with the deployment, I tried several but it didn't work for me.
Share topics/ issues related to deployment packages. Please use/rely on content with caution as it is publicly generated.
Hello, can someone help me with the script to update chrome with the deployment, I tried several but it didn't work for me.
I am verifying a Lansweeper installation and I have a question. Within the best practices, which user should use to send the installation of our packages, a user with an administration level in the Domain or a user with a local administration level o...
Good morning! Im working on just a basic, simple 1 step deployment for Firefox, and am running into an oddity. I've attached as much info as I can below, but I've censored internal information.The deployment package/step: <Package> <Name>Installer ...
Hello. I have a PS1 file that works locally without issue. It installs the Microsoft App Installer and prerequisite MSIXbundle, and APPX files, and then installs the MS Teams app MSIX file. The script and files are in the same directory and the PS1 i...
Hello Experts,I have a around 42 windows in our production environment and we are using WSUS to deploy windows updates.Group policies are configured to allow the servers to check into their respective satellite WSUS servers, but the Configure Automa...
Hi ,Where can i find the trusted certificate in lansweeper?I need to upload this certificate to our Entra portal to scan MS Intune devices.Thanks for the helping hand,Steve
We are running an environment consisting of 4 scanning servers, 3 out of which server our primary domain but in addition also serve a secondary domain. Scanning credentials deployment shares etc. are set up and were running for years already.Since th...
Hey,I'm having trouble while trying to update LsAgent. I have a machine with LsAgent installed. The lastest version is available at Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Client on the Lansweeper Agent but the installer seams to not be found...
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