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Engaged Sweeper III

Microsoft update catalog (example):

I downloaded all the packages for our environment (renamed each because they are ridiculously long file names). I then used lansweeper to create a deployment package consisting of several commands like:

wusa.exe \\sharename\patch.msu /quiet /norestart

Engaged Sweeper III
are you using the wusa.exe for use with the standalone windows package installers?

Here is what one step of mine looks like

wusa.exe \\pubfile-02\software$\LANSWEEP_FILES\WannaCry\windows6.0-kb4011981-x64.msu /quiet /norestart

Broken down

wusa.exe (enables the remote install of the ms msu packages)
\\pubfile-02\software$\LANSWEEP_FILES\WannaCry\ (my file path where my junk is stored)
windows6.0-kb4011981-x64.msu (my update renamed so not so long)

/quiet /norestart (just what it says)

my last step on package is command to wait 15 seconds with stop (success) and stop (failure):

timeout 15 > NUL

The last step allows the package to give a complete command

Engaged Sweeper

I am also seeing timeouts on deployment of the windows update patches. I tried deploying from the network and even adding a sequence to copy it local and run it.
Engaged Sweeper
Windows Update Deployment
wuauclt.exe /updatenow
Engaged Sweeper III
John, email me your contact info
Engaged Sweeper
I can do a C$ and it will run but if I use the install it hesitates also I have made an install for Notebook++ and that works fine
Engaged Sweeper III
If you connect to a machine and run the command(s) locally, does it run?

Did you download each of the kb(s) needed per running a report like this?

Remember that I have renamed each of my msu files to be shorter than when downloaded from the microsoft update catalog

If it does run locally, then you may have an issue with the way your file share is configured for use by lansweeper and/or access from your systems (workstations/servers).
Engaged Sweeper
I keep on getting time outs on my kb push any ideas?
Engaged Sweeper III
I actually split out my windows 10 machines on a separate report/scheduled deployment as the win10 files were large. Below each is a step. I set my timeout at 30 mins which is way overkill for my network speeds but reduced errors for those on slower vpn connections.

For other than win 10 systems
wusa.exe \\pubfile-02\software$\LANSWEEP_FILES\WannaCry\windows6.0-kb4011981-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
wusa.exe \\pubfile-02\software$\LANSWEEP_FILES\WannaCry\windows6.0-kb4011981-x86.msu /quiet /norestart
wusa.exe \\pubfile-02\software$\LANSWEEP_FILES\WannaCry\windows6.1-kb4012212-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
wusa.exe \\pubfile-02\software$\LANSWEEP_FILES\WannaCry\windows8.1-kb4012213-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
wusa.exe \\pubfile-02\software$\LANSWEEP_FILES\WannaCry\windows8-rt-kb4012214-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
wusa.exe \\pubfile-02\software$\LANSWEEP_FILES\WannaCry\windows6.0-kb4012598-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
wusa.exe \\pubfile-02\software$\LANSWEEP_FILES\WannaCry\windows6.0-kb4012598-x86.msu /quiet /norestart
wusa.exe \\pubfile-02\software$\LANSWEEP_FILES\WannaCry\windows6.1-kb4012212-x86.msu /quiet /norestart
wusa.exe \\pubfile-02\software$\LANSWEEP_FILES\WannaCry\windows8.1-kb4012213-x86.msu /quiet /norestart
wusa.exe \\pubfile-02\software$\LANSWEEP_FILES\WannaCry\windows8-rt-kb4012214-x86.msu /quiet /norestart
wusa.exe \\pubfile-02\software$\LANSWEEP_FILES\WannaCry\windows8-rt-kb4012598-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
wusa.exe \\pubfile-02\software$\LANSWEEP_FILES\WannaCry\windows8-rt-kb4012598-x86.msu /quiet /norestart

Various Win 10 versions
wusa.exe \\pubfile-02\software$\LANSWEEP_FILES\WannaCry\windows10.0-kb4013198-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
wusa.exe \\pubfile-02\software$\LANSWEEP_FILES\WannaCry\windows10.0-kb4015217-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
wusa.exe \\pubfile-02\software$\LANSWEEP_FILES\WannaCry\windows10.0-kb4015219-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
wusa.exe \\pubfile-02\software$\LANSWEEP_FILES\WannaCry\windows10.0-kb4015438-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
wusa.exe \\pubfile-02\software$\LANSWEEP_FILES\WannaCry\windows10.0-kb4019472-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
wusa.exe \\pubfile-02\software$\LANSWEEP_FILES\WannaCry\windows10.0-kb4019473-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
wusa.exe \\pubfile-02\software$\LANSWEEP_FILES\WannaCry\windows10.0-kb4013429-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
Engaged Sweeper
Do you have a working update
I have been trying but my installs time out
I made an install for a non Microsoft product and it worked fine. I think my problem is with the switches

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