Hi everyone, I'm facing an issue when deploying a package through Lansweeper. The deployment log shows a "Result: Deployment ended: The operation completed successfully.. Stop(Success). Cred...
Since the update to lansweeper version 11 we are not really able to deploy any packages reliably. it is almost always failing with the error: "Preliminary checks failed. Task Registering Error. Valu...
Hi everyone,
We have been using Lansweeper for several years and rely on it for rolling out software deployments.
We're in the process of moving over to Azure at the mo. We've successfully scanne...
I am verifying a Lansweeper installation and I have a question. Within the best practices, which user should use to send the installation of our packages, a user with an administration level in the D...
Hello. I have a PS1 file that works locally without issue. It installs the Microsoft App Installer and prerequisite MSIXbundle, and APPX files, and then installs the MS Teams app MSIX file. The scrip...
Hey, I'm having trouble while trying to update LsAgent. I have a machine with LsAgent installed. The lastest version is available at Program Files (x86)\Lansweeper\Client ...
Hi, friend. I am trying to install PowerShell version 7.4.1 on several workstations but I have no idea how I can do it. I have seen several videos on how to install packages but I actually can't get...
Hi everyone ! When I have a package with multiple cmd command steps does each step happen in its own cmd window or does the second step keep going where the first step stopped ? Is it possible to w...
I am trying to execute a windows update deploy and i'm getting this error Method not found: 'System.Security.Principal.WindowsImpersonationContext System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.Impersona...
Hi there, Has anyone created a deployment package that will successfully remove Microsoft Store Apps in a way that Lansweeper will actually reflect that change? I'm trying to remove a bunch of the ...