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Engaged Sweeper

I needed a quick way to get the top 10 Memory Hogs on a PC. This Command will open up Powershell on your computer and show you the top 10 Memory Hogs on the Remote PC. It pauses at the end to keep the Window Open.

powershell.exe Invoke-Command -ComputerName {smartname} {Get-Process |Sort-Object -Descending WorkingSet |Select-Object -first 10 Name,ID,@{Name='WorkingSet';Expression={[math]::Round($_.WorkingSet/1KB,2)}} |FT Name,@{L='PID';E={$_.id}},@{L='Memory';E={$_.workingset}};Pause}

Engaged Sweeper
Thank you for this, much appreciated
Engaged Sweeper
If the Pause at the end gives you pause, I came up with an alternative using cmd.exe /K. I also added an Echo at the beginning so you can see which computer it is being run against.

cmd.exe /K powershell.exe "echo '{smartname}';Invoke-Command -ComputerName {smartname} {Get-Process |Sort-Object -Descending WorkingSet |Select-Object -first 10 Name,ID,@{Name='WorkingSet';Expression={[math]::Round($_.WorkingSet/1KB,2)}} |FT Name,@{L='PID';E={$_.id}},@{L='Memory';E={$_.workingset}}}"

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