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Scout Sweeper

We use Cisco ISE to secure limit access on the internal network/vpn/wifi,etc. 

It has all of the switch ports that a user is connected to so that would be great detail to have for those devices that Lansweeper can't get detail on today.

It also has all of the mac addresses for each device. It doesn't perfectly classify each one but at least it has the detail that Lansweeper could classify on its own. This would help in cleaning up Unknown or "network devices" in Lansweeper

Engaged Sweeper III

you may need to look at how your switches and assets are being scanned. 

we get a great view of pc/user information in lansweeper on the switch ports, automatically mapped based on mac address of the asset to the mac found on the switch port. 

i often ask the team to manually create any asset with at least IP and mac so the asset maps to the switch ports in lansweeper. 


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