Is it possible to find out where in WMI/Registry that Lansweeper scans for the MS Store app info? I have removed an app from a machine but Lansweeper is still picking it up as being installed. The scanned item interval is not the issue in this case as I have changed it to scan every time but still doesn't disappear. I'm hoping there is some trace that can be removed manually for it to disappear.
Hi, Could you please send a mail to about this? They can check if there are any known issues in the version you are running, and they can also assist in troubleshooting this further by looking at the specific Registry/WMI locations.
Indeed, windows scanning takes a bit more time when MS Store apps scanning is enabled. After assessing customer feedback, we set MS Store app scanning disabled by default since
"Added: LAN-12867 There is now a separate scanned item interval called SOFTWAREMSSTOREAPPS to control if and how often Microsoft Store apps are scanned. This item is disabled by default in new Lansweeper installations and updated installations that had not already scanned Store apps."
Great idea and it does scan some items, but sometimes it never picks up other apps. Disney Plus, Netflix, Angry Birds 2, all missed. We'd love for this to work so we can track users and what they install.
I just added those Windows Store apps and rescanned the asset and the apps appear in the software list.
Can you validate if WMI and registry access is possible with the provided scanning credentials? See requirement 1 in An LsAgent scan should also return these apps when scanning the asset locally.
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