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Engaged Sweeper III
Aware that Lansweeper only records info on devices that return information, but sure it would not take much to provide IP Address management capabilities offered by third parties. Unscannable devices could be added manually and the ability to track and record device history is already built into the product.

Considering using something like the ipnetwork utility over ar codeplex ( to add CIDR notation to a custom field on each assett which may provide some way of graphing subnet usage and spare capacity as a start off.

Is IPAM capability on the product roadmap ?


Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
FYI here is a query to calculate the number of IP addresses in a range if you have the start + end of the IP range

Select IprangeID,
(Cast(PARSENAME(ipend, 4) as bigint) - Cast(PARSENAME(Ipstart, 4) as bigint)) * 16777216 + (Cast(PARSENAME(ipend, 3) as bigint) - Cast(PARSENAME(Ipstart, 3) as bigint)) * 65536 + (Cast(PARSENAME(ipend, 2) as bigint) - Cast(PARSENAME(Ipstart, 2) as bigint)) * 256 + (Cast(PARSENAME(ipend, 1) as bigint) - Cast(PARSENAME(Ipstart, 1) as bigint)) * 1 as size,
from tsysIPScanRanges

It might help with this setup
Champion Sweeper III
Hope this works..

IP Address Range locations

IP Range Scanning

IPAM Dashboard
Champion Sweeper III
Hendrik.VE wrote:
Hope this works..

IP Address Range locations

IP Range Scanning

IPAM Dashboard

Thank you.

It didn't work quite right until I saw the IP range you had in the tsysIPLocations.Realstart criteria and once I modified that, it worked like a charm.
Champion Sweeper III
Years went by, pretty sure the wish list must have exploded by now

The question regarding IPAM capabilities popped up also in my company. We manage about 1000 subnets (industrial networks, so a lot of segmentation/segregation). So how can we keep track of all these mostly small (eg. /26, /27, /28) subnets?
We tried SolarWinds IPAM, but after some testing we said, let's think out of the box, so we used Lansweeper .

Hence, I imported all our subnets under Asset Groups/IP Address Range Locations. Because we don't use the deployment feature (we have other tools for that), we inserted the subnet (CIDR notation) under Package Share en Subnet Responsible (contact) under Share Username.
Additionally, I've added for every subnet IP Range Scanning with the corresponding start IP address, and the Subnet Description under Scanning Targets. Of course, 'Save pinged IP' is activated.

Lastly, I've created a custom report that correlates all this information together:
Select Top 1000000 tsysIPLocations.IPLocation,
tsysIPLocations.PackageShare As Subnet,
tsysIPLocations.Realstart As StartIP,
tsysIPLocations.Realend As EndIP,
tsysIPLocations.ShareUsername As Contact,
Count(tblAssets.AssetID) As [used IP],
When Right(tsysIPLocations.PackageShare, 2) = 24 Then 254
When Right(tsysIPLocations.PackageShare, 2) = 25 Then 126
When Right(tsysIPLocations.PackageShare, 2) = 26 Then 62
When Right(tsysIPLocations.PackageShare, 2) = 27 Then 30
When Right(tsysIPLocations.PackageShare, 2) = 28 Then 14
Else 6
End As [Max IPs],
tsysIPScanRanges.Description As [Subnet Description]
From tsysIPLocations
Left Join tblAssets On tsysIPLocations.LocationID = tblAssets.LocationID
Left Join tsysIPScanRanges On tsysIPLocations.Realstart =
Where tsysIPLocations.Realstart Like '%10.99.%'
Group By tsysIPLocations.IPLocation,
Order By StartIP

IPLocation	    Subnet           StartIP	    EndIP	        Contact	 usedIP Max IPs	 Subnet Description
AAN1-B520-19 Barry E 1 14 SA SERVER Network
AAN1-B520-40 Freddy J 7 62 PIMS Test Servers
AAN1-B520-39 Bico VDS 51 62 PIMS Production Servers

You can easily click on the subnet and query the underlying hosts.
In a next step, I'll be exporting this data to Power BI to get a visual representation of the usage of our subnets.
Champion Sweeper III
Hence, I imported all our subnets under Asset Groups/IP Address Range Locations. Because we don't use the deployment feature (we have other tools for that), we inserted the subnet (CIDR notation) under Package Share en Subnet Responsible (contact) under Share Username.
Additionally, I've added for every subnet IP Range Scanning with the corresponding start IP address, and the Subnet Description under Scanning Targets. Of course, 'Save pinged IP' is activated.

Could you share the screenshots of what your describing above? I'd like to follow it, but got lost in the mire that is the configuration hell.

Thank you.
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
I've double checked to make sure that this is still on the wish list. I've also double checked that this topic is linked to the existing feature request.
Engaged Sweeper
I would like to ensure this feature is kept on the wish list. We are in dire need of IPAM and loathe having to consider solarwinds or InfoBlox (another tool).
Lansweeper Alumni
We have added your feature request to our customer wish list, but this will most likely not be implemented anytime soon. Our focus is on developing a help desk.
Engaged Sweeper III
Do not think automatically adding IPs that have no open protocols is a good idea. Not sure how much work it would be but to automatically track IP usage (and spare capacity) in each range created which can be pulled through to reports would be a good middle ground. There are ways of identifying the maximum and minimum IP (or CIDR notation) using the IP and subnet mask which is probably all that would be needed to make this possible. It could also be used to identify misconfigured devices that have been allocated the wrong subnet mask which can create network issues if not corrected.


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