I have a quick question regarding the last login / username field from dbo.tblAssets.UserName
As we are a Multiple Domain environment the username refernce could be the same in 3 domains which means I get duplicate results when creating a new view;
Create VIEW dbo.AssetReport as
Select TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.tblAssets.AssetName
,dbo.tblAssetCustom.Serialnumber As "SerialNumber"
,dbo.tblAssetCustom.Manufacturer as "Vendor"
,dbo.tblOperatingSystem.Caption as "OperatingSystem"
,dbo.tblOperatingSystem.ServicePackMajorVersion as "OperatingSystemServicePack"
,dbo.tblADComputers.Location as "WKS_AD_Location"
,dbo.tblAssets.IPAddress As "IPAddress"
,dbo.tblADComputers.OU AS "ComputerOU"
,dbo.tblADUsers.OU as "UserOU"
From dbo.tblAssets
Inner Join dbo.tblADComputers on dbo.tblAssets.AssetID = dbo.tblADComputers.AssetID
Inner Join dbo.tblAssetCustom On dbo.tblAssets.AssetID = dbo.tblAssetCustom.AssetID
Inner Join dbo.tblOperatingSystem On dbo.tblAssets.AssetID = dbo.tblOperatingSystem.AssetID
Left Join dbo.tblADUsers On dbo.tblAssets.Username = dbo.tblADUsers.Username
Order By dbo.tblAssets.AssetName
I need to create a view to select all data into excel for lookup on another AssetRegister, but on some systems I am geeting duplicates which then inturn invalidates the data. Can anyone think of a way to allow for these exceptions within the view or to allow for the "Last" login for a user on the host?
Or is there a table that records the Last user who logged into a pc and keeps only the last value?