Hi, I've been trying to get a report that will show me if a machine doesn't have the current Symantec Endpoint protection installed. I have it showing me ANY antivirus that is out of date, but that's part of the problem.
I'd like a few reports in the end that give me these specifics :
1) Symantec Endpoint Protection, out of date or disabled.
2) More than 1 Antivirus product installed.
3) No Antivirus installed. (Already have, and it appears to work fine.)
I work in a multi-domain environment, so if I can get the following in the report, that'd be great.
1) Asset name
2) domain
3) IP Address
4) Antivirus enabled/disabled, version of signature file if out of date, etc... as appropriate for the 3 reports above.
Thanks in advance. I'm apparently pretty bad at sql queries, and we're a small IT shop without SQL programmers, so it's been hard going.