Hi,Is there a way to report on all clients which doesn't have any LSAgent installed?I am after a report which will list all clients with no LSAgent.Much appreciate if someone can point me to right direction.
Here is my SQLSelect Top 1000000 tsysOS.Image As icon, tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetName, tblAssets.Domain, tblAssets.Username, tblAssets.IPAddress, tblAssets.Firstseen, tblAssets.Lastseen, tblAssets.Lasttried, tblOperatingsystem.Captio...
The report below lists Windows computers that are missing a specific service. Replace YourService with the internal name of the service. This is the Service Name value you see when running services.msc, right-clicking the service and selecting Proper...
I'm trying to create a report showing all users that have logged in to all PC's. I've made it this far, but would like to narrow it down to show only the latest login to the PC of each user.Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetID, tblAssets.AssetName, ...
Checking for a version (or greater) version of Googe Chrome than 80.0.3987.106My query:.Select Top 1000000 tblAssets.AssetName, tblSoftware.softwareVersionFrom tblAssets Inner Join tblAssetCustom On tblAssets.AssetID = tblAssetCustom.AssetID Inner...
Hi all.New Lansweeper user here, and I'm still learning.I need to make a quick report of all the computers, there were seen in the last 30 days, and exclude all the computers I can do a report of computers not seen in at least 30 days, but I can't do...
Dear All,I have tried to generate a report with queries below but failed to get the Hard Drive size on xxxGB. Requesting your assistance to help generate a report that specifies queries below. Thanks.1. Freespace of all HardDrive in GB2. Size of all ...
I am trying to put together a report that lists all Windows assets (Servers and Desktops). I am looking to have any asset with a specific application and version in Green and any asset that does not have the application installed or does not match th...