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Engaged Sweeper
Hi. I use lansweeper as ITAM software.
Because o huge office I am unable to put all assets on map. I assign assets to desks (previously created assets) and then add the location of the desk.
I am going to create the report which show all assets in location. Not only the desks but all assets assigned to the desks. I remind that only desks have location. Can you help with this report?
Lansweeper Employee
Lansweeper Employee
If you mean reporting on the location of the asset on the asset map, then that won't be very useful. You can report on it, but it's just some X and Y coordinates as far as I remember.

What you could do is report on which asset map the asset is located in, it's a built-in report in Lansweeper called "Assets: Assets and location maps they're on"

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