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Resolved! Chart Report for Physical vs Virtual

I'm looking to create a report that report illustrates the physical/virtual ratio in our estate. I've created the following query, however, it will not work as a chart due to the fact it returns a single row:Select Distinct Top 1000000 SUM(Case tblA...

cbtg2006 by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! MS Office versions and product keys

Hi all,I'm trying to generate a report of all workstations in a domain, the version of MS Office installed, and the product key that was used. For some reason I can't get the product key part in there.I have made the following query:Select Top 100000...

lococola by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! Report if registry key is "x"

Hello,Im looking forward to create a report that only shows the computers which have the following registry key with this value (the one bold and red):[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server]"RCDependentServices"=hex(7):4...

Resolved! Previous inventory report

Hi,How to view the last month/week inventory in the lansweeper report?How to view the inventory history of host/computer?

rajgan by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! PC with Office 2003 or Lower

I'm trying to create a report showing all PCs with MS Office version lower than 2003. But I've had duplicate records shown. My query is simple to just filter any software name like MS Office%, so it's showing duplicate records if that PC have softwar...

jasonwch by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Active Directory reports

I need to make a report containing all the user accounts with their statuses (enabled/disabled).Can you give me a hint on how to get access to useraccountcontrol attribute?Thanks.

eac by Engaged Sweeper III
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Resolved! Scanning for specific event log

I want to scan specific servers for a specific event log entry. We have 4 backup servers, I want to scan for the latest success or failure event log entry listed for each one.Is there any way to do this?In my mind, i'd have a report I display on our ...

aplrich by Engaged Sweeper III
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