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Resolved! Help with Update statement

I am trying to utilize the custom fields in Lansweeper. I am trying use the follow sql to update the custom1 field if the server name is server01. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.use lansweeperdbUpdate dbo.tblAssetCustomset Custom1 = 'test'Select...

chadsharp by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Local printers list

Hello,I'm pretty new to creating reports and I wanted to create a report that lists all the LOCAL printers installed in the computers.I managed to create a report that does that but there are many duplicates being shown.I want the duplicates to disap...

juanmasdeu by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Lansweeper Report Format/Filetype

Hi,Scenario:we're running complex queries in a rather big environment resulting in large reports.Since the file format of the report is XLS, we're close to hitting the XLS column limitation of 64K.Question:1 - is there a way to get around that limita...

Resolved! MAC Address not visible

Hi Team,I created one custom report for showing MAC Address for all systems but the report is showing MAC for only few systems.What can i do for getting MAC of all systems scanned by Lansweeper ?Please reply ASAP.

Resolved! Report problem

Not really a report problem, more of a database version problem I think.I pull virus dat version from the registry on all computers, then I have this query that returns all computers that are greater than 30 days old.This query works with an SQL2K5 d...

bd by Engaged Sweeper III
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Resolved! Laptop report

Used this code from another post i found and it is working great but i can't figure out how to put the Full User name next to the username. i am not good at SQL so any help is appreciated. the code is below. if anyone could post new code would be gre...

chads by Lansweeper Alumni
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Resolved! Office Report Help

So we need a report that shows all users using any version of Microsoft Office Professional Edition 2003 but can't seem to figure it out. Everytime I try to put it together I can get it to show one version but not the other or vise versa. There has...

RTI_IT by Champion Sweeper
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Resolved! SQL query for report

I'm trying to run a report to show machines that have 2 custom scanned file path outcomes (I MEAN BOTH OUTCOMES EXIST AND ARE FOUND VALUE IS 0), and some additional options. As you can see I'm not doing this right. Can you suggest how I can accomplis...

tonyb99 by Engaged Sweeper
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