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Resolved! Dual Monitor report.

Hi Team,We need report for dual(One machine having two monitored connected) monitor.I have some machine in my LAN with single machine and two monitor connected to it.based on this information we required report in below format.Monitor nameMonitor mak...

Resolved! Build Report from Search

Is there a way to create a custom report from a software search? I performed a search for a specific software title and want to easily add the IP address and IP location to the report. If not, can anyone tell me how to tie the IP location field to ...

gdavis by Engaged Sweeper II
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Resolved! Last User

What field from what table do i need to get the last user field into a report?

cgoble by Engaged Sweeper
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Resolved! Report specific domain

I am not very good at reporting, with that out of the way, I have multiple domains and am looking at how to focus the reports to only report on a specific domain. This is the query I'm using now: Select Top 1000000 tblSoftwareUni.softwareName As Sof...

Resolved! Software Changes report with real time.

Hi Team,We need Real time software's changes report in lansweeper.There is one built in report available that last 24 hours software changes in lansweeper but every time it need to sort out with last changed coalman.we have to plan to put this repor...

Resolved! Computer report shows dual Asset Group Entries

I created a report that I needed for an XP to Win7 upgrade. The report included the Asset Group name and computer name, user, Manufacturer, Model, Serial, a query to find out what version of Office, AssetTag. IP location, and purchase date.The issue...

mwrobo09 by Champion Sweeper
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Resolved! Single report for multiple software’s

Hi Team,We want one report for Adobe and textpad software’s with respect to their publishers.Adobe software publisher is Adobe and textpad publishers is Helios.I would have planned to add the more software in the same report.Thanks in Advance!!!Regar...