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Forum Posts

Problem converting Lastbootuptime field to date

Hello,I was trying my first steps into creating a query to find pc's not restarted in the last 30 days, and I found a problem with Lastbootuptime since it's stored as text, can anyone point me a function to convert the "dbo.tblOperatingsystem.Lastboo...

Anonymous by Not applicable
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new reports not showing

hello,I created a view in the DB and named it Web30repnonitalian. it exists and contain data.Then I added a corresponding line in table tsysreports:Web30repnonenglish Non English computersWeb30repnonitalian Non Italian computersThe report do not show...

tuvita by Engaged Sweeper
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System Requirements

What are the basis for -Not the hardware recommended requirements-Not the hardware minimum requirements What specs are these using?

Filter In Admin Console

I tried to get the installed software list to filter out already approved software, so that unapproved software would be on the left and approved on the right rather than all on the left and approved on the right. I added a filter "Software not in (s...

Help with reporting....

Hi there.First of all i need to say that im not wery strong in SQL.I would like to know if it is possible to segment the views you have in to different i would wery much like to have an report that show me all installed software on a given ...

cossie by Engaged Sweeper
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Report for reg key value

I followed your example for _Custom report to check for fileversions (latest software installed)_, and it is working great.Could you post a similar example that uses a reg key value to determine if the software is up-to-date?

76012 by Engaged Sweeper II
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