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Engaged Sweeper III
We have introduced Bitlocker in our enterprise and we would like to manage the computer inventory where Bitlocker is installed or not.

I observed that a builtin report already exist to show BitLocker machines... But I dont known why this report not list all my machines.

We have over 12000 clients computers (Windows 7/8.1/10) where Bitlocker may be supported. When we use another report, the list result can confirm the amount of these machines... But when I use the "Computer: Encryptable volumes" report it contain only 3308 items... And all machine, where I known Bitlocker is enable, are not in this result.

I see in another post that someone create another Bitlocker report for LS, but when I compare with your builtin report the tables are very similar and the report give the same result.

Can I have some help to obtain a report where ALL assets (Windows machines) are visible AND return the Operating System volume state is encrypted or not ?
Engaged Sweeper III
I modified the scan schedule to enable this item, rescan an asset and verify the content off "Config -> Windows -> Bitlocker Encryption"

It works !!!

Then I go to the Encryption report and search with a filter to list computers with Bitlocker enabled only.

I can see my computer !

View solution in original post

Champion Sweeper III
great news 🙂 !!
Engaged Sweeper III
I modified the scan schedule to enable this item, rescan an asset and verify the content off "Config -> Windows -> Bitlocker Encryption"

It works !!!

Then I go to the Encryption report and search with a filter to list computers with Bitlocker enabled only.

I can see my computer !

Champion Sweeper III
Is this post any help? - https://www.lansweeper.com/forum/yaf_postst16736findunread_BitLocker-counts.aspx#post56290

Also if you find an asset not on the 3308 report, that you know has Bitlocker, what does the bitlocker status say on the individual asset details under Config -> Windows -> Bitlocker Encryption?

I think you foundmy issue ! When I goes to "Config -> Windows -> Bitlocker Encryption" I got this message: