First of all - here is the SQL. Create a new report, give it an appropriate title for your needs.
Select Top 1000000 tblADusers.Username As Username,
tblADusers.IsEnabled As [Account Enabled?],
tblADusers.whenCreated As [Account Created],
tblADusers.LastLogon As [User Last Logged on],
extension1.Value As Description
From tblADusers
Left Join (Select tblAdProperty.Value,
From tblAdProperty
Inner Join tsysAdPropertyType On tsysAdPropertyType.TypeId =
Where tsysAdPropertyType.Name = 'ExtensionAttribute1') As extension1 On
extension1.AdObjectId = tblADusers.ADObjectID
save and run.
To edit the extensionAttribute, open Active Directory with an admin account, select view and make sure "Advanced features" is ticked. (screenshot attached)
Next open the properties for the user object you want to add the description to, and select the "Attribute Editor" tab. (screenshot attached)
Then scroll down to ExtensionAttribute1, double click it and add your description. click ok, then save all changes. (screenshot attached)
If extension attribute 1 is already being used - choose another, but you will need to change all instances of the the attribute number in the sql code too.
In Lansweeper, go to Scanning, and re-scan your active directory domain or users paths - whatever way you have it configured.
Once that scan is complete, run that report again and the information should show.
Hope that helps.